Week 10 Forum

Topic 1: My best photojournalism 1) the best photo i've taken this term: 2) This photo stood out to me because I framed the 2 girls faces on the left with the fence, and you can see their expressions really well. It also has nice colors and is focused well. 3) This reflects what I learned because I learned that it was important to have faces in the picture and to capture expressions. 4) My photo skills have improved because now I feel a lot more comfortable with taking pictures of people. Like in the beginning of the term, when I took my first photo for this class, it took me like 20 minutes to work up the courage to go up to a stranger and take their photo. Now it is a lot easier for me to invade someones personal space, although it still makes me uncomfortable. T opic 2: My goals From week 1: " One of my goals in this class is to better my relationship with photojournalism and maybe come out with better feelings towards it, instead of ones of dread. An...